STOONER STREETWEAR is a company dedicated to the online sale of fashion products, with its registered office at Calle Nebulosas 10, Madrid, 28045, Spain. It is the owner and manager of the domain name www.stoonerstreetwear.com ("Website"). To contact Stooner Streetwear, you can use one of the following means: by calling +34 633797205 or via email at stoonerstreetwear@gmail.com.


The User can submit their personal data to STOONER STREETWEAR through the various forms incorporated into the Website for this purpose. These forms include a legal text regarding the protection of personal data that complies with the requirements established in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, and its Development Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21. Please read the legal texts carefully before providing your personal data.

By accessing and browsing this Website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms of use and legal conditions established in this Legal Notice as well as our Privacy and Cookies Policy, and you expressly accept their application to your use of the Website during your navigation. STOONER STREETWEAR may offer services through the Website that may be subject to specific conditions about which users will be informed in each specific case.


STOONER STREETWEAR may opt for a Double Opt-In List system that will require double validation. The Double Opt-In List procedure consists of the user registering or entering their data through the web form, and immediately the registration will be confirmed on the website. Additionally, the entity will send a confirmation email to verify that the email entered in the web form is valid. Once the recipient receives this email, they must validate it, and as a result, the entity will have proof that the entered email is valid and existing. If STOONER STREETWEAR sends commercial communications via email or equivalent communication means, it must comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.


According to the rights conferred by the current data protection regulations, you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, treatment limitation, deletion ("right to be forgotten"), data portability, and opposition to the treatment of your personal data, as well as revoke the consent given for their treatment, by sending your request to the postal address Calle Nebulosas 10, Madrid, 28045, Spain or to the email address stoonerstreetwear@gmail.com. You can also contact the competent Control Authority to file any claim you deem appropriate.


STOONER STREETWEAR declares that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the processed data and states that it complies with the measures established in Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11, on the security measures of automated files containing personal data, according to the level of data stored and the LOPD.


Users agree to use the Website, its contents, and services in accordance with applicable legislation, this Legal Notice, good faith, and public order. Similarly, Users are obliged not to use the Website, its contents, or the services provided through it for illegal purposes or contrary to the content of this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or in any way that may damage, disable, make inaccessible or deteriorate the Website, its contents, or its services, or prevent normal use of it by other Users. Users also expressly agree not to destroy, alter, disable, or otherwise damage data, programs, electronic documents, works, or any other content of the website, including its source codes. The User agrees not to obstruct the access of other users through the mass consumption of the computer resources through which STOONER STREETWEAR provides the service, as well as not to carry out actions that damage, interrupt, or generate errors in those systems or services. The User agrees not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls, or any other logical device or character sequence that causes or is likely to cause any alteration in the computer systems of STOONER STREETWEAR or third parties.


The intellectual and industrial property rights of the contents of the works included on the Website must be respected. All contents of the Website, unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of STOONER STREETWEAR, including, but not limited to, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and other elements that appear on the Website. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks, or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Website are protected by applicable law. STOONER STREETWEAR does not grant any kind of personal use license or authorization to users on its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other rights related to its Website and the services offered on it. Therefore, Users acknowledge that the reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this Website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of STOONER STREETWEAR or the owner of the same.

If the user detects any violation of legal regulations or their own or third-party rights on the Website, we request your cooperation and give you the option to report such infringements by sending an email to the following address: stoonerstreetwear@gmail.com.


This Legal Notice refers only to the STOONER STREETWEAR website and its contents, and it does not apply to links or third-party websites accessible through the Website. The destinations of such links are not under the control of STOONER STREETWEAR.

STOONER STREETWEAR is not responsible for the content of any linked web page, any link contained in a linked web page, or any changes or updates to such pages. These links are provided solely to inform the User about the existence of other sources of information on a specific topic, and the inclusion of a link does not imply approval of the linked web page by STOONER STREETWEAR. Therefore, we recommend that you read and carefully review the privacy policy and terms of use of each website you visit.


STOONER STREETWEAR offers Users the possibility of posting comments on the STOONER STREETWEAR Blog posts. The publication of comments is subject to this Legal Notice. The person identified as the author of the comments is responsible for them. In no case do the comments made by Users reflect the opinion of STOONER STREETWEAR.

STOONER STREETWEAR does not assume the obligation to control the content posted by Users of STOONER STREETWEAR but will try to prevent, to the extent possible, the dissemination of content and/or messages that may be defamatory, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, violent, or that in any way go against the rights and freedoms of third parties, public order, or good manners, or that are clearly illegal.

STOONER STREETWEAR is not responsible for access or availability problems of the Website, nor for any damages that may be caused by it when these are due to factors beyond its control and activity, such as your internet connection speed, the type of terminal or device used, your geographical location, etc.

Similarly, remember that you are solely responsible for interactions with other Users of STOONER STREETWEAR, so we will not be responsible for any conflicts you may have outside of what is provided in this Legal Notice. STOONER STREETWEAR is not obligated but reserves the right to, if necessary, mediate in such conflicts if they arise.

Also, please note that STOONER STREETWEAR is not responsible for failures, incompatibilities, and/or damages to your terminals or devices that may result from using STOONER STREETWEAR.

Likewise, as soon as STOONER STREETWEAR becomes aware that it hosts comments as previously mentioned, it commits to act diligently to remove them or make access to them impossible. In any case, to file any claim related to the content inserted in any of the sections, you can contact the following address: stoonerstreetwear@gmail.com.


The User can join the profiles that STOONER STREETWEAR has on different social networks. The User who becomes a follower of any of these profiles agrees to the terms of use and privacy policy of the respective social network.


The use of STOONER STREETWEAR by Users in a country other than Spain is at their own responsibility. You are solely responsible for complying with the laws of the countries from which you access STOONER STREETWEAR.

This Legal Notice is drafted in Spanish. If you translate these texts using an online translator, you declare that you understand and accept that the Spanish version will always prevail in case there are contradictions between different versions and that these conditions are subject to Spanish legislation.


We reserve the right to modify, at any time and at our sole discretion, the terms of this Legal Notice. When this happens, a notice will be included on the Website indicating and informing users that modifications have been made.


Since the Website is intended to operate within Spanish territory, the relationship between STOONER STREETWEAR and the User will be governed by the current Spanish legislation, and any controversy will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction. STOONER STREETWEAR will pursue the breach of these conditions as well as any improper use of the Website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond by law.



We offer FREE returns and size exchanges in Spain and Portugal. We will only process size exchanges or returns if the item is in perfect condition and no more than 15 calendar days have passed since delivery.

If the customer requests an exchange or return of the purchased item(s) due to selecting the wrong size, we will arrange for the courier company to pick up the clothing as soon as possible so we can refund the amount paid by the customer or exchange the item for another of the same model in a different size.


1º. Contact us via email (stoonerstreetwear@gmail.com) indicating the size exchange you want. Always include your full name and order number in the email (e.g., #2908).

2ª. Include in the email an email address and your personal details so we can process your size exchange. Also write in the email your availability to receive the courier, i.e., the time frame in which the courier can pick up the order at your home. If you are only available on certain days of the week, please let us know. Remember to include in the email any changes in the address, as the courier will default to the address where the package was initially delivered.

3º. We will contact you to confirm when the item will be picked up from your home. Normally, Correos Express will pick up the item(s) the next business day.

Once we receive the order and verify that the clothing is in perfect condition and has not been washed or used, we will proceed with the size exchange. It is essential that the item is wrapped in the same bag it was delivered in or a similar one at the time of pickup. Remember that a size guide with the dimensions of our items in centimeters is available with all our products.


1º. Contact us via email (stoonerstreetwear@gmail.com) indicating the order you wish to return and the reason for the refund. Always include your full name and order number in the email (e.g., #2908).

2ª. Include in the email an email address and your personal details so we can process your return.

3º. To ensure the courier company can pick up the order as soon as possible, write in the email your availability to receive the courier, i.e., the time frame in which the courier can pick up the order at your home. If you are only available on certain days of the week, please let us know. Remember to include in the email any changes in the address, as the courier will default to the address where the package was initially delivered.

4º. Once we have received the email, we will contact you to confirm when the item will be picked up from your home. Normally, Correos Express will pick up the item(s) the next business day. It is essential that the item is wrapped in the same bag it was delivered in or a similar one at the time of pickup.

Once we receive the returned order and verify that the clothing is in perfect condition, with tags and has not been washed or used, we will proceed with the refund to the same payment method used for the order. Remember that a size guide with the dimensions of our items in centimeters is available with all our products.

For size exchanges and returns in the rest of Europe, the shipping costs are borne by the customer at a rate of 15.00€


 Users can shop on the Website through the established means and forms. They must follow the online purchase and/or acquisition process for clothing, during which several products and/or services can be selected and added to the cart, basket, or final shopping space, and finally click on "Complete Purchase."

Additionally, the User must fill out and/or check the information requested at each step, although, during the purchase process, before making the payment, purchase data can be modified.

Once the order is placed, a confirmation email should be received where the general contracting conditions should be collected.

Once the purchase process is complete, the User consents to the Website generating an electronic invoice that will be sent to the User via email and, if applicable, through their personal connection space on the Website. Additionally, the User may, if they wish, obtain a paper copy of their invoice by requesting it via email (crew@stoonerstreetwear.com) or using the contact spaces on the Website or through the provided contact details above.

The User acknowledges being aware, at the time of purchase, of certain particular sales conditions concerning the product and/or service in question and which are displayed alongside its presentation or, if applicable, image on the Website, indicating, by way of example but not limited to: name, price, components, weight, quantity, color, product details, or characteristics, the manner in which the services will be carried out, and/or the cost of the services; and acknowledges that placing the purchase order or acquisition signifies full and complete acceptance of the particular sales conditions applicable to each case.

Communications, purchase orders, and payments involved during transactions on the Website may be archived and stored in the computerized records of STOONER STREETWEAR to constitute proof of transactions, in all cases respecting reasonable security conditions and current laws and regulations that apply, particularly in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, and the rights granted to Users under the privacy policy of this Website.


The User agrees to pay at the time of placing the order. The initial price shown on the website for each of the offered products will add the corresponding shipping costs. In any case, these rates will be communicated to the User before formalizing the purchase.

The receipt or proof of purchase corresponding to the order will be sent by email after the payment of the order is received. The User must pay the order amount using a credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, and/or similar cards). The User must notify STOONER STREETWEAR of any undue or fraudulent charges on the card used for purchases via email as soon as possible so that STOONER STREETWEAR can take appropriate measures.